What type of leather is the best for making leather bags?
First of all, we must take into account if we are going to sew by hand or machine. In the case of sewing with a domestic machine, we always recommend thin goatskin or fine bovine leather, maximum 1.2mm thick.
If we are going to sew by hand, the easiest leather to work with is always bovine, it cuts more easily, it is less elastic since its meat is tighter and it is much more versatile. It is to take into account that, being larger pieces, it is much better to pattern on it and remove the handles for the bag.
Split leather is a good option if what we are looking for is a matte finish with a velvety touch. They are usually widely used to make saddlebags and fringes.
If we want a more fashionable finish, we can opt for fancy or embossed leather , but always combined with smooth leather, if our composition is not too heavy.